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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DAY 15: Zambia's 'wonderful' roads

One of the things I have been dreading most is the condition of Zambia's roads. We've heard so many conflicting stories, but one thing has always been for sure - there would be potholes! When we first entered Zambia three days ago we were surprised to find a stunning tar road between Livingstone and Lusaka similar to the best ones in South Africa:

The wonderful tar road between Livingstone and Lusaka
 The road stayed in a good condition north of Lusaka and it was only north of Serenje where we started to see the odd pothole, but nothing serious. Finally, north of Mpika, it all went pear-shaped! These aren't potholes - they're craters! Some stretch right across the road, forcing you to drive on the side, which is often just as dangerous. It was slow going for most of the afternoon, but I must admit - we had fun!
Some of the smaller potholes north of Mpika
JI standing in one of the big daddies!
Fortunately we got through them all safely. We were supposed to visit friends Claire and Ed in North Luangwa, but unfortunately they were held up in Lusaka with aeroplane problems, so we decided to push on to Kapisha Hot Springs where we find ourselves tonight. We've only seen a little bit of it in daylight, but we liked it so much that we've decided to stay for two nights! Here's a quick preview of where JI and I will be spending an hour or two after (or maybe even during) supper:
JI next to the Kapisha Hot Springs - 40 degrees celsius all year round, I hear!
Okay, that's it for tonight - I have to go make my magical mince recipe! JI has already made the pap! :)

Night night

Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The road into Kapisha Hot Springs
JI: The hot water I'll be enjoying in a short while!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers and JI: Not being able to visit North Luangwa. Next time!


ANNIE said...

Hi Villiers en J
Daai paaie pas goed in by ons in RSA. Bly jul kon fun daarvan maak - dit toon karakter! geniet die warm water. Ons braai uit van die hitte in Kaapstad. Voorspoed!

Unknown said...

Aeroplane problems? Is your hilux a transformer?!
Well done for dodging all those slaggate!
Hope your natural jacuzzi is as good as it looks...

Almarie said...

Hey julle moet pasop vir tropiese babers in daardie warm poele!! Die slaggate laat my dink aan al die slegte paaie rondom Standerton na die buurdorpe! Dit lyk nogal of dit julle laat tuisvoel. Geniet die rustigheid van die poele, lyk of dit kalmerend kan wees...

Anine said...

Hey! Bly jul het darem veilig gery deur daai big daddies :-) Njoy die hot springs baie - dit lyk heerlik! hoop jul rus lekker uit!

Rayno said...

Hi Julle!!

Lekker Lekker hotsrpings!! daai kan altyd lekker saam werk!! veral na die lekker 4x4 op die paaie! :)
Daai slaggate is mos niks vir 'n Hilux nie!!
Geniet hom!

Unknown said...

Hey! Ek loer bietjie op die kaart - waar is die hot springs? Lyk of alles te goed gaan...! Ek sien julle bly bietjie daar voordat julle die magtige Tunduma gaan aampak. Glo dit sal baie goed gaan en dan is dit die amazing landscape van Tanzania. Ek is moerse jaloers!! Hier is net rond hol en preke maak op die oomblik. Het nou die dag probeer luister na julle op Jakaranda maar het gemis. Hoop dit was lekker. Hoe gaan dit met die kos koop en maak. Julle is nou in Boerewors distrik daar. Anycase. Sal nou meer gereeld inloer. Wees veilig en enjoy.

Bup Tours said...

Thats the road i was talking about !!!!!!!!!!!! Some of thoes pot holes are massive. But hope you enjoyd the hot springs they are great arent they i went there too and looooooooooooooooooved the hot springs. Graeme

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