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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Monday, February 28, 2011

DAY 40: Where are all wildebeests?

Believe it or not, but tonight is our last night in the Serengeti. Yep, time flies when you're having fun! Last night in Lobo public campsite was exhilarating to say the least as all sorts of animals surrounded our tent. Here's a better view of our campsite next to one of Lobo's hills.
Lobo public campsite
Our last full day in the park was not as productive as others when it came to the cats, although we still saw six lions and three cheetahs in the distance. However, we did see loads of elephant and buffalo, along with some other more common species we haven't given much attention to on the blog thus far, including topi and Thompson's gazelle.
Elephants on the plains
We saw more than 500 buffalo today!
A topi family
The Serengeti's springboks - Thompson's gazelles

"Where are all the wildebeest???" I hear you ask. Remember, the migration is currently moving through the short grass plains south-east of where we are currently camping. We only saw the tip of the iceberg when we passed through the Ndutu area on our first day. The plan is to head back down to those plains very early tomorrow morning to catch up with the massive herds again! Watch this space!

And so our time in the Serengeti comes to an end. It's difficult to put my feelings about this place into words. It's vast. It's incredibly diverse, both in terms of wildlife and scenery. It's wild, if you drive and sleep in the right places. And it's mystical - there's something about the Serengeti that makes my heart beat just a little bit faster...in a very good way!  I hope to come back...soon.
I'll miss the cats, but...
...I'll miss the scenery more!

From here we'll head for Simba A campsite on the Ngorongoro Crater rim where we'll sleep for the following two nights. We enter the crater on Wednesday. Thanks for those of you who gave us advice on the Serengeti and the crater in your posts - we appreciate it very much! Sorry for not replying to those individually. We try to keep our computer time to a limit so that we can spend more time chatting around the fire and making dinner together...

Before I end the post I just want to congratulate Ji and his girlfriend Talita - it's their 3 year anniversary today!! Ji has already found a spot on the Hyena's roof where the signal is strong enough for Talita to phone him later tonight. Please don't fall off my friend!!
Ji and Talita (taken in Kruger)
Ji on top of the Hyena, expecting a call a bit later...

Lala Salama

Highlight of the day:
Villiers: Hundreds of elephant and buffalo on the open plains!
Ji: The cheetahs! Hehe, just kidding - OUR THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Baie lief vir jou Skapie!!! xxx

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: D U S T!!!!
Ji: That Talita isn't here with me


ANNIE said...

Ek dink Serengeti beteken "wye vlaktes". Weereens dankie dat ons dit deur julle oê kon beleef, want ek dink nie ek sal daar kom nie. Opvallend is die rustige diere en dat hul geensins jul as indringers beleef het nie. Waar is die kunstenaars - die soveelste uitsonderlike vorm boom om op die doek vas te lê! Ek dink dit is ook Sangiro se werêld of hoe? Geniet die vryheid van die natuur.Geluk JI. Voorspoed verder.

Tania Louw said...

Wow, eks sommer hartseer dat dit julle laaste aand is,maar sien ook baie uit na dit wat nog voorle! Baie geluk JI en Talita-julle is n cute couple! Lekker slaap en maak daai drome vas dat julle eendag deur jou geestesoë weer daarna kan kyk en dit geniet!

Kobus said...

Naand julle twee. Baie geluk aan JI en Talita vir die drie jaar saam (ons is verkeerd want die saam wees het op 29 Feb begin en nie op 28 Feb nie) As ek mag komplimenteer is die fotos wat ek gesien het net so goed as die beste van bestes. Hoe lyk die fotos wat julle terughou vir die artikels wat geskryf moet word. Maak die terugkeer net so spesiaal as die gaan.

Talita said...

Ai... is my hartjie nou nie seer dat jy nie by my is nie! Maar is so bly ek kan tog deel wees met al die posts! Die oproep was suksesvol en het goeie syn gehad....hahaha. Ek moet saam met oom kobus stem dat die fotos die van die bestes is en kan net dink dat die wat julle terug hou is nog beter!! Dis n ongelooflike mooi plek en kannie wag om dit eendag self te beleef nie. Wil net dankie se vir julle twee wat ons oe ook oop gemaak het vir dit wat julle sien... ons sal nooit kan beleef wat julle beleef het nie so maak gebruik van elke herinnering wat julle met ons kan deel as julle terug is! Dankie vir 3 jaaar my engel en mag daar nog baie jare wees wat voorle! Lief jou baie! Lekker slaap....

p.s ek hoop julle sien baie wildebeste op more se drive! T

Rayno said...

Sjoe, Ek kan dit ook nie glo nie !! dit voel nie soos of ons julle al so lank volg nie!!
Ek dink darm as julle terug kom sal dit kan beskou word as , wait for it ..... legendairy
Geniet dit!! en geluk met anniversary!!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS Ji and Talita!! I hope this time next year finds you both together somewhere as beautiful as this...:)
Hope you enjoyed your last night under Serengeti's stars!

Louise Albrechtsen said...

Wow the Serengeti has really given up some amazing experiences for you guys! Your trip has only confirmed for me how much I have to go to that beautiful wild place someday! Especially the beautiful leopard and lion sightings looks like they were to die for!!
Congrats to the lovely couple Ji and Talita! - hope you will be somewhere together just as magical for your next anniversary :)
Sending all my best thoughts for more adventures for you on the road ahead, looking forward to more lekker photos

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