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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

DAY 28: Under the weather - the hyena, Kili and us

Before I tell you about our day, let me give you the answers to yesterday's two questions. Only Tabby got the Rhino-question right - the single rhino was seen in Hwange, but did anyone realise that it was Rhinos Khunze, my friend from Robins Camp!?? :) Have a look at "Uit op 'n leeujag" to see a photo of us with Rhinos.

Then the photo of the stunning two-track road: this was taken just outside Hwange in the Matetsi Safari Area, so sorry, no one got that one right. We'll test your Serengeti Trip 2011 knowledge again soon...

Okay, back to today. This is how a tough day started:
Oh, the embarrassment!!!
The hyena, our Hilux, woke up with a flat battery, again! Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) the only other vehicle in the campsite was a Land Rover! The embarrassment when it jump-started us was massive. The owner, Ed, and his wife and child have been on the road from England for nine months!! They replaced SEVEN shocks in Kenya alone... I'll take a flat battery and the embarrassment any day :)

"Your batttery is finished!" Moshi, Tanzania
In Moshi we drove straight to the local Toyota dealer, but due to the fact that it was a public holiday in Tanzania they were closed. We made an appointment for tomorrow, just in case. We then drove until we found a shop that looked like they could help us - it was a tyre store. The owner led us to another shop, which then sent someone with us to another shop. The owner laughed when he saw the battery. It was clear that it was 'finished' and needed to be replaced. So we bought a brand new ATLAS battery and had the fan belt tightened.
The old and the new...
It took us about half the day to get the Hilux healthy again, but unfortunately we weren't so lucky. Both JI and I are still suffering from a nasty tummy bug. There's nothing quite as frustrating as that feeling you get when you know you have to run NOW!!! The only thing more frustrating is our toilet at Honey Badger Lodge:
I don't know whether our legs will survive this for one more day...
All the mothers out there, don't worry - we've been taking our medication and have rehydrated ourselves with Rehidrat and Game. We've also tried to keep our spirits up by joking a lot about the situation and I have to admit, we've done a great job!

Finally, it's not only the hyena and us that were under the weather today. Kili also hid behind the clouds for most of the day. She only stuck out her snow-capped peak for about 30 minutes late in the afternoon. We took a photo, but added an arrow for those of you who struggle to see the mountain! :)
Spot the mountain! Taken outside our campsite.
Tannie Almarie, jy't gese jy wil sien watter kos ons SELF maak, so hier's 'n foto van my meesterstuk vir die aand - my maalvleis spesialiteit!
He cleans AND he cooks!
I must admit, we feel much better tonight and look forward to a good rest. It rained a lot last night, but tonight is cool and clear. Hopefully that means we'll see Kilimanjaro clearly in the morning! The plan is to chill a bit now and then head over to Hugo's on the other side of town to watch Arsenal play Barcelona! 

Night night

Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The sense of greatness Kili projects, even from behind the clouds!
JI: Tonight's football game (which is yet to start)

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: Having an acute case of diarrhoea, whilst my hyena was being jumped-started by a Land Rover!!!!!!!!
JI: The hyena not feeling healthy.


ANNIE said...

Ai Ai het ek lekker gelag vir daai staan of liewer die sitbedryf (toilet).Dit het baie herinnneringe van Turkye teruggebring!! Ja ek sou ook my neus toe geknyp het. Baie bly die battery probleem is opgelos, maar dat julle "batterye" ook gecharge is. Voorspoed en lekker slaap.

Unknown said...

Manne! Die ironie is natuurlik dat ek ook 'n battery moes vervang in Dar toe ons laas daar weg is! Vrekkit! Tanzanie vreet batterye. Jammer julle voel so bietjie sleg. Pas maar op dat dit nie erger raak nie - veral nie met Villiers se maalvleis oppad af nie... HEHE! Hoop julle weet darem almal mis julle en ons dink aan julle! Kili lyk great. Kannie wag vir die fotos van die Serengeti nie. Sterkte daar. En weer eens... baie jaloers!!

Rayno said...

Kyk net die feit dat dit 'n landrover was is eina!! Maar ek is baie bly julle en Hyena is beter!
ek hoop julel kan nog so fototjie of twee van Kili in kry!!! :) sterkte daar en geniet die maal vleis en die sokker!

Vrankois said...

Dis dalk hie Hyena se vodde battery wat verhoed het dat die batterypak die aux battery ordentlik laai? Julle mage sal hopenlik beter word sodra dit aan julle kookuns gewoond raak...(he he)Villiers, onthou om jou seil sk*tstoeltjie op jou inpaklys te plaas, veral as jy in lande met Arabiese invloed reis!

Unknown said...

Hey! What do I win!!??
Glad you're both feeling better! Squat toilets are never fun, but be thankful you don't have to use it on a moving train!!
Looking forward to seeing more of the majestic mountain...:)

Francois Steyn said...

Yes! Julle het mos gesĂȘ as julle nie 'n pensding kry nie, sal julle nooit nie. Alles moet in! Maar dan moet alles weer uit!

Ek is bly die Hyena loop weer en dat die outobank weer geld spoeg... Kan nogal 'n gemors wees albei.

Geniet die great area wat julle nou betree... daai berg is darem maar ongelooflik!


Anine said...

Stem saam met Francois - a very pretty mountain :-) sal ook hou van 'n paar fotos van die omgewing daar?! Hoop jul magies is beter vandag, sterkte.

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