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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

DAY 29: Treated at Tarangire Treetops

It seems like ages ago that we watched Arsenal beat Barcelona at Hugo's Hotel in Moshi - what a game! We got up around 07:00 and found Kili still hiding behind the clouds. So we decided to pack up and head for Arusha where we visited the local Shoprite to buy fresh fruit and meat. From there we aimed for Tarangire National Park and more specifically, Tarangire Treetops - a lodge now managed by an old university friend, Shaun Malan, and his wife, Elcke.

On our way we had to take on our first really tough mud obstacle, but just as we were about to take it on head first, a Treetops staff member came from the front and showed us a safer, less-sticky patch to go through. We arrived at the lodge around 15:30 and were met by the friendly staff, as well as Shaun, Elcke and their lovely baby, Nala. We actually brought up an ammo box full of clothes and toys for her, so there were smiles all round when it was finally opened after spending nearly 7000 km on the roof of the hyena.
Nala, Elcke, Shaun and Villiers with the goodie box
To our great surprise, Shaun and Elcke had organised for us to stay in one of Tarangire Treetops' stunning rooms! These are built in part on stilts and in part in trees. We'll let the photographs do the talking:

Our incredible room at Tarangire Treetops
Fit for a kings!
The view from our room in the treetops
Yep, we couldn't believe it either! This really is a treat when you think that we've been camping for most of the past 29 days. And after the rough couple of days in Moshi, nothing lifts the spirits quite as much as this... We took the rest of the afternoon slow, catching up with Shaun and learning more about this incredible region. We can't wait to enter the park for a safari tomorrow. But tonight we soaked up the atmosphere of the camp, which is a sight to behold at sunset when the lanterns are first lit:
The main area of Tarangire Treetops

I certainly can't think of a better way to end the evening then to have dinner with Shaun and Elcke in a small boma surrounded by zebrawood stumps. We were even presented with a special Serengeti Trip 2011 carving, which we had to hang on the edge of the boma to form part of a new "wall of fame". What an honour!

The Serengeti Trip 2011 joins the Wall of Fame!
A very special carving indeed!
Dinner with the Malan's in the zebrawood boma
It was a long day on the road with a magical ending. We'd like to thank Shaun, Elcke, Nala and Tarangire Treetops for hosting us. We'll treasure this experience forever. Let's hope the park produces some unforgettable sightings...


Highlight of the day:
Villiers and JI: Tarangire Treetops - what an incredible camp!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers and JI: Still not being able to see Kili properly.


Talita said...

This is just unfair..... and only something that would happen when your with vilj there. Maybe i should convince him to take me with next time...hehehe. Dink dit is nogals flippen cool om fulle carving daar te he. En om te dink as julle oor n paar jaar weer gaan, kan julle sien en terug dink na hierdie great experience. Heavy jaloers. Geniet dit en sterkte met die wild. T

Rayno said...

Goeie mensdom, Dit is rerig mooi daar !! Wow, Dit het so pas op my lysie (hy is al baie lank) gekom van places I must see!!!

Geniet die luxury!!! en daai awesome bed en daai uitsig en die kos en die geselskap en en en....!

Unknown said...

Hallo Maters! Dit lyk ongelooflik! Bly julle het die "wall of fame" gemaak. Julle sal maar weer oppad terug by kili moet stop om hom behoorlik te sien. Bly om te sien dit lyk of julle darem beter voel. Geniet julle dag baie!
Servaas en Liese

ANNIE said...

Sjoe nou is my vraag sommer beantwoord of daar sulke lodges of kampe is. Dit is regtig 'n wonderlike uitsig en voorreg om so onthaal te word! Villiers jy is 'n doring van 'n jongman om aan die baba-bederf te dink so lank voor jul by die Malans uitgekom het! Dames dit sĂȘ baie! Hoop jul sien vandag ongewone tonele op safari. Mooiloop!

Unknown said...

Wow! watter lekker bederf - maar, ek dink julle verdien dit! Die verskeidenheid ervarings is ongelooflik - draai julle koppe nie partykeer nie? Of knyp julle mekaar (nee, toe nou...!!) om seker te maak als wat julle beleef is nie 'n droom nie? Lekker dag in die veld. E

Unknown said...

That's awesome! What a nice surprise after a couple of rough days! I hope you get to stay an extra night or two to recover fully...:)
Nice of them to organise that carving for you too - immortalised for people following your route for years to come!
Hope the game viewing's as good as the view from your room!

Anonymous said...

So ietsie hemels! Ongelooflik. Julle manne moet dit baie geniet, julle verdien dit. Bring al die inligting saam vir ons hoor! Judy Janse van Rensburg

Tania Louw said...

WOW WOW WOW! Dit moet verseker een van julle hoogte punte wees!!! Na die paar dae wat julle gehad het - voel dit seker soos Hemel op aarde!!! Hoop julle kan langer daar bly! Dis sprokiesmooi!

Martin said...

It is stunning at Tarangire! How lucky are you huh!! Glad you enjoying it so much

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