Good evening everyone! Tonight is a special night - we have free wi-fi at our camp - Kipepeo Beach Camp - and you know what that means: more photographs than usual!
We woke up around 05:30 at Selous River Camp, but decided to lie in until 07:00 because it was raining. Packing up camp in the rain is not fun, but fortunately we packed most of our stuff last night. After saying goodbye to the staff we hit the road around 09:00. The first 70 km outside Selous took us a full three hours! The road surface was sandy, but very uneven and full of water from all the rain. It made for a fun ride though!
This is what it looked like for at least the first two hours of the drive! |
After that it was tar all the way to Dar Es Salaam, but we decided not to sleep in the city itself. Instead we turned right just south of Dar to find a camp on the beach. The scenes were wonderful!
A typical scene on the road south of Dar Es Salaam |
Respect! all I can say |
I've never seen so much loaded onto bicycles before! Going downhill is one thing, but imagine what happens when you have to start going up...! As soon as we turned off to the beach itself we were met with the most colourful scenes yet:
A colourful little shop on the coast south of Dar Es Salaam |
The first place we checked out is called Sunset Beach Resort, but to be honest - it was a modern 'dump'. There were WAY to many people, a lot of noise and very expensive accommodation. We decided to drive a bit further and came across a stunning little camp called Kipepeo Beach Camp. The staff were extremely friendly at reception and it didn't take us long to make up our minds - we're going to stay for two nights. Here's a little taste, but you'll have to wait for tomorrow evening to see more!
Our view from the bar |
Hard to believe we were in Selous this morning! |
Okay, so here is something I'm reluctant to share with you, but I thought - if I don't do it, JI most certainly will:
So what happened there, Villiers??? |
Let's just say, I'm now known as the camp klutz! First I opened the Hilux's door right into my face, leaving a small scar right in the middle of my forehead. Then I got up from a camp table to quickly, lost my balance, and half-fell through our boma wall. Then, this morning, I had the most embarrassing accident yet: I got the scar you see above...wait for it...whilst sitting on the toilet! All I'm prepared to say is that there was a much-too-large door handle and a toiletry bag on the floor involved!
Thank you for those of you who phoned us this evening - it was wonderful to hear your voices! Our phones are fortunately working again, but who knows for how long. And can I just say: Frannie, Servaas, Neelsie...en al die res - ek wens julle was hier!!!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Highlight of the day:
Villiers: To see the ocean!!!..and to not be sweating right now.
JI: Kipepeo Beach Camp!
Lowlight of the day:
Villiers and JI: To leave Selous
Lekker by die see, dog 'n skrille kontras met die Selous en die wilde diere. Geniet die koelte en "sout" jul goed in die seewaters. Geniet die dag môre en kan nie wag vir beloofde meer foto's nie. Villiers pas jul self op jong!
Was so lekker om met jou te kan praat... mis daai stem van jou!!! Dit lyk baie lekker...Jy's reg vilj ons wens ons was daar. Moet se julle scenery is baie beter as ons sin! sal glad nie omgee om dit elke dag te kan sien nie! Geniet Dar.....en gaan voluit vir als! T xxx
Dit lyk regtig nes Zanzibar! Julle hoef nie eers moeite te doen om met die ferry oor te ry nie behalwe as JI vir Stonetown (veral die vleismark!!)en die spice plantasies wou gaan sien het. My advies: koop maar 'n groot pak pleisters Villiers.....Geniet die dag op die strand; ek is so jaloers.
Julle gelukkige 2 manne! Jip, dit lyk nes Zanzibar - geniet! V, jou ouboet slyp al sy tande vir die trip wat ek glo hier gaan uitbroei! Dalk met motorfietse die lot?! 'n Kamara-span wat sal skrik vir niks..... ens, ens. Lekker daggie by die see; kan nie wag vir die volgende foto's - abs. sonder "scars"!!! E
Hi Viljee, ek sien daai baard kom nou mooi aan! Geniet dit baie, lyk ongelooflik! Julle fotos is pragtig, x T
There's a paradise everywhere if you look hard enough - you guys are finding them all!
Villiers, you're pulling off the rugged traveller look well enough without scars! Stay away from killer door handles...:)
Daai is mos net so lekker lewe!! Biertjie/coke en die see in die agtergrond!! enjoy!!
Ai Villiers, ek wonder of die Coke altyd so suiwer is...? JI jy sal moet begin aantekeninge maak oor watter land se bier die lekkerste is, want lykmy jy toets almal uit. (Pasop vir 'n bierpensie) Die foto's is regtig ongelooflik en die strand lyk idillies. Net so terloops, vanaand weer 'n luiperd gesien en afgeneem, laat weet as ons kan foto's stuur....
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