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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

DAY 22: Team Selous River Camp!

Wow, what a day!? It was a long hot one and by hot I mean HOT!! The sun finally came out and as a result the already scorching tempertures shot up into a whole new, almost unbearable level! Sweat, sweat and more sweat!

But back to today's adventures. We got up at 07:00 and quickly got ready to visit the local primary school  in Mloka Village with a few of the Selous River Camp staff members. After speaking with the headmaster it was decided - there would be a game between Team Selous River Camp (me, JI, the SRC staff members and some of there friends) and the school's 11 best football players (who were all between 10 and 14 years old if I had to guess). We even had a referee with a whistle and all!

The school boys scored first and lead for most of the game, which lasted approximately 30 minutes. But right before the final whistle one of our team members scored the equalizer!! And yes, that team member was JI!! Yep, he'll talk about that goal (a header!) for a long time to come...

JI hands over three of the five footballs to the headmaster

Team Selous River Camp - a "very serious" team, as you can see!
After the game we handed over five footballs to the headmaster, who was a soft-spoken but very thankful man. Of course there was time for a team photo as well!

After the game we took a moment to relax in camp before heading out on another game drive or safari as they call it here in Tanzania. Our first mission was to get to Lake Manze where we would try to film another 50/50 segment, this time on photographing shy animals. We decided to aim for a large tree on the horizon under which we would stop  the Hilux before filming. I was just about to climb out when JI spotted something behind the tree's trunk. A lioness!! She didn't even move when we stopped and had I gotten out I fear I probably would have been lion food!
Careful under which tree you decide to stop and climb out!
...and from the other side
I don't blame her for not moving, because at that stage it was incredibly hot! So hot in fact that we really struggled to get our video footage. My mood was not very good, JI and I were both dying from the heat and the animals certainly weren't working with us. Fortunately things turned for the better when the sun came out again, lighting up the landscape and finally bringing colour to Selous!
Impalas running next to Lake Manze, Selous
We're now back in camp, preparing dinner and posting on the blog of course. I must admit, I'm dead tired, but as our new friend Kayanda Justin would say: "Today was good!"

I'd like to use this opportunity to thank our friends and family for leaving comments on the blog every evening - they really mean so much to us! Much more than you might think. Thanks also to all our other "followers" - we love sharing the adventure with you.

Have a wonderful Friday!


Highlight of the day:
Villiers: Although the football was GREAT, the late afternoon scenery was better!
JI: My goal in the dying seconds of the football match!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: The heat and they way it made me feel and react.
JI: The heat!


Unknown said...

Jammer ek kom nou eers hiet uit! Ek hou julle darem al die heel pad dop. Die uitreksel hieronder kom uit vandag se "Times Live Online"
Miskien kan julle iets daaroor uitvind en vars nuus aanstuur. Groetnis en Sterkte. (Volgende trip gaan ek saam!)

Serengeti road will impact migration: Leaked study
Feb 10, 2011 3:53 PM | By Sapa-AP


An environmental study on a road Tanzania wants to build through the Serengeti found that it may affect the famed wildebeest migration and threaten endangered species.

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A Wildebeest (connochaetes taurinus) nurses its calf before crossing the Mara river during a migration in the Masaai Mara game reserve. File Picture.
Photograph by: Thomas Mukoya
That's according to a copy of the leaked report obtained by the environmental group Serengeti Watch.

Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete said this week that his government will continue with plans to build the 33.5-mile (54-kilometer) road through the park. Kikwete said it will remain unpaved and that Tanzania "will do nothing to hurt the Serengeti."

Environmentalists are fighting the planned road, saying it will jeopardize the 2 million wildebeests and zebra who migrate in search for water. They warn that the road will lead to the downward spiral of the ecosystem.

Talita said...

wow... amper is jy leeu kos. Die scenery is ongelooflik...kan net dink dit is mooier as jy dit regtig sien. Geluk met team selous river camp...hehehe. jy weet mos JI wen altyd. Geluk engel...Lyk my jy's die hero van die dag. Lekker eet en lekker slaap. T xxxx

ANNIE said...

Sjoe ek het simpatie met julle in die hitte. Ons beleef 'n hittegolf in Kaapstad en ek glo dis maar 'n kalfie teen julle hitte vandag. Dankie vir die pragtige foto's en vertellings. Ons geniet dit baie - dis soos 'n vervolg verhaal. Terloop J jy lyk baie goed met die "prison break" haarstyl!! Geluk met die doelskop. Lekker slaap en voorspoed.

Unknown said...

Lekker Vrinne,

Ek sien net soos daar nie luiperds in die wildtuin is nie is daar ook nie in Afrika nie... En julle doen nie veel om my verkeerd te bewys nie! Villiers jy sal bly wees om te hoor dat ek more my nuwe foon kry, daai een wat ek gese het ek sal nooit vat nie :)
Bulle dit lyk ongelooflik, geniet dit terwyl ek die land se ekonomie aan die gang hou!!

Blessings vir julle!!

Unknown said...

Lion food or one big puddle - can't decide which sounds better... Well done for making it through the day intact!
Loving these gorgeous pics!
Congratulations on the game! Hope tomorrow's cooler...:)

Rayno said...

Hallo julle!

Die soccer sam die locals lyk sommer baie lekker!! En die Imala wys jou net hoe om weg te hardloop. vat hulle advies as die leeu jou jaag :)

Sterkte vir die hitte!!


Unknown said...

Hallo Maters

JI dit moet seker daardie nuwe haarstyl of moet ek se gebrek aan haarstyl wees wat jou gehelp het met jou header :-) Goeie werk, lyk my jy is besig om 'n groot speler te word! Villiers jy sal ook moet begin goals score, is dit nie nou al 6 - 0 vir JI vir die trip sover nie? Selous lyk amazing, hoop julle het vandag 'n lekker drive!
Gaan groot daar!

Unknown said...

Hey julle 2

Dit lyk ongelooflik daai kant...JI, die haarstyl..........awesome!Toema Villiers jou tyd sal wel kom vir 'n wen. Geniet dit manne!!


Wilma said...

Fanie sover ek weet het die World Bank nou aangebied om geld in te sit om die pad deur die Serengeti te verhoed. Hulle wil die alternatiewe roete steun. Hoop dit werk uit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julle,

Ji lyk of hy uit die tronk ontsnap het! Gelukkig kan hy nog sokker speel. Lees elke dag julle blog, en word baie jaloers!

Henko stuur groete

Van Der Veen's

Selous river camp said...

So glad to hear you're enjoying your stay at the camp and that the guys are looking after you - thanks to Google Alert I came across your blog and have been really enjoying the stories - LOVE the football match!

I hope you don't mind by I'm going to have to link back to this from our blog (which is in MUCH need of an update!) at www.selousrivercamp.com/blog (shameless advertising!!)

Katie and Kenny from Selous River Camp

Anonymous said...

Julle blog laat my aan Mary Poppins se sak dink!
Kan nie wag om elke dag met groot opgewondenheid op die blog te kom en te kyk watter haas ruk julle uit die hoed nie! Ek dink so lyk dit in die hemel! Leeu foto's ongelooflik! Wat 'n bonus. Groete Judy

Villiers Steyn and JI de Wet said...

Hi Katie and Kenny! What a nice surprize - glad you're following our adventure! We'll be sleeping near Dar tomorrow (Saturday) evening and would love for you to join us for dinner, if you can of course! We'll sms you as soon as our cellphones have reception again!

Villiers and JI

Almarie said...

Sjoe ouens, julle moet versigtig wees vir die katte, onthou hulle is oral en julle is die indringers! Villiers gelukkig is jou 'partner' by skerp om die goed te sien en mis hy nie sommer iets nie. Neels, as jy meer kom kuier, sal jy meer luiperds sien! Help nie jy sit in Pta en beweer hier is nie luiperds in die KNP nie. Hier was Woensdag laatmiddag 'n MENEER onder in ons straat!

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