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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

DAY 27: Dar Es Salaam maniacs

08:00 - Kipepeo Beach Camp, Dar Es Salaam
Hello. No, we were not jump-starting the other Hilux. It was our battery that was flat. We noticed this last night, but didn't run it for long enough after jumping it then. It seems like the auxiliary battery pack, which we use for the fridge, somehow drained the front battery - something it most certainly should not do. We're not 100% sure yet, but we'll do some trouble-shooting tomorrow. After more than 6500 km on the road the Hilux still haven't given us any problems!!!

Our next stop was the madhouse that is Dar Es Salaam. We've been warned that it can take hours to get from one side of the city to the other, but we had no choice of going in since we needed cash and unleaded petrol. It was soon aparent that Dar Es Salaam has its own unique set of driving rules!
The main road into Dar Es Salaam, from the south
This is how it works (miraculously): In the photo above I'm driving where I'm supposed to drive - in the left-hand lane. The truck on the right is also where he is supposed to be. The two buses in front, however, were doing whatever they thought would work at that stage. Since the black truck was in a lane that wasn't moving, the orange bus decided to cross over in front of me and make a new lane on my left. The other, larger bus, also decided that he had right of way and drove straight on through everybody! And so it went on for at least an hour, if not longer...! You're lucky to get out of Dar without hitting something or someone.

Dar Es Salaam's version of the minibus taxi

If you thought South African taxi drivers are maniacs, you should see these guys! Scary stuff!!! The shocking driving in Dar Es Salaam wasn't our only problem. For some reason no ATM would allow me to withdraw cash with my Visa Credit cards. At first we thought ABSA in South Africa might be down, but I finally managed to draw some many with my ABSA Master Card - a debit card. It must have been a Visa problem!? We stocked up with unleaded petrol and slowly made our way out of town toward Morogoro and the Arusha turn-off. 

We spent the rest of the day on the road. JI drove for most of it and was a machine behind the steering wheel! I played DJ and I have to say, Die Heuwels Fantasties makes for an excellent road trip soundtrack, especially in the dramatic Tanzanian landscape... Sorry for not taking any photos of the roadside - it's much harder than you think when you have over 600 km to cover in one day on roads that constantly have 50 or even 30 km/h speed limits! We had to push on. We reached the town of Moshi at the foothills of Kilimanjaro just after dark, so we'll only see the mountain tomorrow.

JI made pasta and we're both VERY tired and ready for bed. Unfortunately we both have dodgy stomachs tonight - real dodgy, so we feel a bit under the weather. Nothing a few pills and some Game won't sort out, hopefully!

To end this post we thought it might be a nice idea to have a small competition. First we want to know from you WHERE we saw our lone rhino? Come on, someone's got to get this one!

And then we'd like to know from you where this photo was taken??
Where did we take this photograph?
We look forward to your guesses in the comments!!

Have a wonderful week! 

Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The way the music complimented the landscape on the road up north towards Kili...
JI: To be able to drive 120 km/h for once!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: Not being able to withdraw money this morning - it's a sickening feeling!
JI: The toilets at Honey Badger Lodge, which look like they've been swallowed by the earth - not good when you're stomach is feeling like this!


Talita said...

Dar lyk shocking....nie die prentjie wat ek in my kop gehad het nie! Maar darem maak more se adventure daarvoor op, ne! So bly julle is veilig daar. Mooi gery engel....weet jys altyd n wenner agter die wiel!!!! sterkte met die maagies... darem kry julle bieq oefening in as julle gaan squat om sekere dinge te doen. hehehe. Lekker slaap en kannie wag vir more se blog.... so opgewonde vir julle part! enjoy!! T xx p.s ek heti n idee wa die foto geneem is nie... maar het niks om te verloor nie... dink dit is in selous erens....

ANNIE said...

Ja daai Dar het seker baie geduld gekos, maar nou is jul weer in die oop natuur. Hoop julle sien pragtige dinge en is voorspoedig. Stuur jul magies op 'n "vakansie" vir 'n dag. Ja ek dink ook die foto is in Selous geneem. Die ander vraag is my "tier". Lekker slaap en geniet die Kilomanjaro - ek sal na Tafelberg kyk van my huis af!

Rayno said...

Eish !!!!! Daai is moeilike verkeer.

Bly julle is daar deur!! en Julle is by Kilimanjaro. !!!!!! Julle moet dit geniet en moenie goed eet wat stink lyk nie :) sterkte met die maagies!!

Ek dink julle het die rhino gesien in Selous! en die foto is of by Masuma of dalk by die Makgadikgadi park!

Geniet dit

Vrankois said...

Ek dink die foto is op die afdraain na jul lodge vir die aand buite Moshi? Ek weet nie van watter renoster jy praat nie maar dalk was dit tussen Nata en Pandamatenga....

Unknown said...

Shame, manne! Klink my die hoendervlerkies "gave you wings"!!! Oppas maar vir hoender..... Jammer oor die gesukkel met die kontant - terloops, V, is jou kaarte se vervaldatums veilig? Kennis gekry dat daar een wag by die poskantoor. Onthou die kontak by Moshi as julle probleme het. Geniet die rustige veld na Dar! Esther

Unknown said...

Sounds like your roughest day yet... hope today's been better! The mountain should lift your spirits, even if it doesn't do much for your tummies!
That photo definitely wasn't taken in Edenvale, that's for sure! Most likely somewhere north of here though...;)
What rhino?

Unknown said...

Ok, since you never mentioned a rhino I'll take a wild guess - Hwange?

Anonymous said...

Beste Villiers en JI, ek raai dit is oppad na Lake Manayre??
Groete Judy janse van Rensburg

Almarie said...

Ai, welkom in die 'normale' lewe. Gister se ervaringe was maar net 'n herinnering van hoe dit eintlik kan wees, daarom glo ek, as dit beter gaan vandag, julle net soveel meer dankbaar gaan wees vir al jul wonderlike belewenisse! Intussen sit ons hier daagliks en vergaap ons aan alles wat julle beleef. Julle kos het heelpad baie lekker gelyk, miskien was dit tyd vir 'n goeie 'detox'! Aangesien julle die renoster vroeg op jul reis al gesien het, sou ek sĂȘ die logiese is: Khama Rhino Sanctury op 20 Januarie. Die foto bo - is dit "Somewhere between Dar es Salaam and Arusha"? Onthou om BAIE vloeistof in te neem! Liefde

Martina Jolie said...

While I meditate on the gulf towards which I travelled, and reflect on my youthful disobedience, for these things I weep, mine eye runneth down with water. Cheap Flights to Dar Es Salaam

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