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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

DAY 25: Beach bums!

Good evening. Today was probably as far removed from a safari as it possibly could be. No lions. No off-road driving. No camping and no campfire. JI and I are officially beach bums, at least until Tuesday. That's right, we've decided to spend an extra evening here at Kipepeo Beach Camp. It's that good! Despite a very rainy day we had a wonderful Sunday - we slept in, played pool, ate delicious food and watched rugby and football on the tele. We even swam in the ocean, which is very salty, by the way!

There's nothing quite like playing pool on the beach!
Villiers lines up for a shot
There are many good things about Kipepeo. The banda's are comfortable and cheap, the wi-fi is free and the food is fresh and tasty. But the best thing about this little camp is the pool table! Yep, if you know me well you'll know that I like two things VERY much - Coca Cola and pool!! Today we challenged each other to a best-out-of-five series on the camp's remarkably level table. I may have lost my pride in a few challenges on the Serengeti Trip thus far, but today a bit of respect was regained when I beat JI 3-2 in what was a very tight series of games. We'll play another five as soon as this post is up! :)

For those of you who are wondering what a beach banda looks like, here you go:
Kipepeo's beach banda's
And on the inside... (not very neat)
As I've mentioned, it rained for most of the day, but it finally cleared up a little bit around 16:00 so JI and I hit the streets to visit a few of the local curio shops. 
JI in one of the tiny stores next to the road
I know many of you have also been wondering about the food situation. Well, you can find comfort in the fact that at least tonight we ate well...VERY well!!!:
Tonight's dinner! And yes, it's as big as it looks...
The truth is, we've been eating very well throughout the trip and have had no health issues whatsoever (except for one or two small issues involving biltong and raisins respectively!). Today we even had Beef Samosas, Veggie Spring Rolls and Chicken Wings, so if we don't have the runs tomorrow, we'll probably be fine for the rest of the trip!

My best friend, Servaas, phoned earlier today and asked me whether it ever felt like the time on the road is getting too long. My answer was that this road trip is not feeling like a road trip at all anymore. Instead it feels like we're living here now, all be it in different locations every other night. We've settled into a very comfortable routine, which has very little routine to it...if you understand what I mean!?

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Please leave some suggestions or questions in your comments - what would you like to know, see more of, see less of...ANYTHING - we love you're input!

Night night


Highlight of the day:
Villiers: Beating JI 3-2 in pool!
JI: The chill vibes here at Kipepeo...

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: Not beating JI 5-0 in pool!
JI: The rain!


Talita said...

ek dink julle raak te gemaklik... dis hoekom dit nie meer soos n 'roadtrip' voel nie. Dis glad nie 'n slegte ding nie. Hoop maar net nie julle wil vir altyd daaar bly nie. Onthou net julle het vriende en familie wat vir julle wag as julle terug kom! Kan sien julle kort girls daar! hahahaha... ek sou ook nog 'n paar aande daar geslaap het en moet se ek hou nie eers van pool nie maar sal nie omgeee om daar te speel nie. Dit lyk somer baie lekkerder! ek wil bietjie sien hoe lyk die bars waarin julle so baie is! lekker aand. T

Rayno said...

Hallo julle twee!! die trip lyk rerig asem roofend! hoe vergelyk hy met jou Kruger wildtuin trip? En ek sal so nou en dan van die kostes wil weet! soos hoeveel is dit nou daar waar julle nou bly per nag!?

Geniet dit. Groette Rayno en Sorina

Reinhardt said...

Ek volg julle blog nou al van die begin af en die groen skynsel om my wange raak donkerder elke dag. Geniet dit nogsteeds.

Ek kyk ook elke dag na die wild telling en sien die luiperds en jagluiperds ontwyk julle nog.
Hoop tog julle kom reg, dink die jagluiperds sal veral makliker wees as julle eers in die Serengeti is. Luiperd is mos maar n snaakse ding, skelm, maar ek het so idee julle sal meer gelukkig weer met hom in Ngoro goro krater. Die mooiste plek op aarde volgens my...

n Mooi foto van n luiperd sal paar mense se dag maak.

Sterkte en geniet die res...

Reinhardt Grobler

Almarie said...

Hi julle, was lekker om bietjie te kon gesêls en ook jul stemme te hoor. Bly julle klink ook so goed as wat julle lyk. Kos lyk regtig lekker, ek het gedink teen die tyd eet julle al 'pap-en-tik'! Geniet julle ruskansie terdeë en geniet die see, al is die bos baie lekker, bly die see ook spesiaal, veral op valentynsdag. Geniet julle Valentynsdag! Maak dit maar 'n spesiale Afrika-Valentynsdag. Groetnis

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