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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thanks for coming!

As you may know, last night was BRAAI-night! Ji and I decided to invite our close friends and family for a relaxing braai in Pretoria and as always we had a wonderful time. Thank you to everyone who came! Since the tiny photographs on the blog really doesn't do justice to the images we used a projector to show a loop of 300 of our favourite trip photos. throughout the evening As you can imagine we ended up standing in front of the screen for hours watching the series of images over and over again, explaining exactly what had happened or how we felt at that stage... After last night one thing is for sure - we want to do it again!!...and next time, we're taking more people with us!! :) Enjoy the Cricket World Cup final!
Ji tells some friends about our wild campsite at Lobo
This is what it's all about!
To all our friends: You really are the most wonderful people and Ji and I are extremely lucky to have you in our lives! Thanks for supporting us all the way!! We love you dearly. This goes for our amazing families as well!!


PS: Sorry for not taking more photos, but the truth is - my mind was not on my camera! :)


ANNIE said...

Ek het gehoor van die wonderlike aand en van die deurlopende skyfie vertoning. Wonderlik - jul weet darem om dit puik te doen. Dit is wonderlik dat jongmense tog so opgwonde kan raak oor die natuur en die gesonde avontuur. Ek is trots op julle vir die karakter en uitstaande voorbeeld wat jul uitleef. Sien uit na die volgende sages!!

Louise said...

Dit lyk of die partytjie 'n reuse sukses gewees het. Die foto vertoning was 'n puik idee. Soos ek gese het ons wou julle eintlik al lankal genooi het.....die gedagte het opgekom toe julle reeds duisende kilo's van die huis af was en dit regtig lyk of julle julle vriendin verlang.
Ons het besluit om te wag tot jul terug is en julle te nooi om vir 'n naweek by ons gastehuis
www.khayaumdani.com te gaan uitspan saam met julle vriendinne. Dit is self catering en wanneer julle lus het om te gaan, kan julle ons laat weet en as dit beskikbaar is, is julle meer as welkom. Julle kan dit kry vir julle eie privaat gebruik....geen ander gaste terwyl julle 4 daar is nie.

Laat weet wanneer julle lus het om te gaan kuier in die Laeveld.

Danie en Louise

Villiers said...

Sjoe, BAIE dankie Danie en Louise! Ek sal julle graag persoonlik wil kontak om dankie te se en meer uit te vind oor julle ongelooflike aanbod. Is daar 'n e-mail of nommer wat ek kan gebruik?

Louise said...

Hi Villiers,

Jammer dat ek nou eers antwoord maar ons was weg gewees vir besigheid. Mosselbaai en Hartenbos omgewing. Dit was heerlik.

Ja, ons email adres is : bookings@khayaumdani.com
Ons sien uit daarna om van julle te hoor. Gaan loer ook na www.khayaromantica.com dit is ons ander kleiner gastehuis, so 100 m vanaf Khaya Umdani.

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