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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Monday, March 14, 2011

DAY 54: A lekker, long, local day!

Good morning. It’s now 23:28 on the 14th of March and in 32 minutes I will officially turn 29! To be completely honest I’d much rather be snug under my sleeping bag instead of typing right now, but since you’ve been so generous in your donations to our data fund I owe it to you all to keep the posts as fresh as possible. This one, however, will be short, not only because we had an extremely long, exhausting day, but also because of the rainy weather we’re having here at Nkhata Bay, Malawi. 

As you saw on our previous post we camped next to the road last night, not because we wanted to, but because of vehicle problems. We got up just after 06:00 this morning so that Ji could catch a lift into town as soon as possible. Shortly before 07:00 the second vehicle that stopped offered to take him to Mzuzu Toyota approximately 77 km away. Coincidentally the driver was a professor in theology, so needless to say the two of them had a good chat on the way in. I stayed with the Hyena and used the day to pack up our camp, read my book, make notes, play football with the kids, chat to the locals, count my teeth, et cetera, et cetera… Yep, I did get a little bit bored at the end. 
I was surrounded by smiling faces the whole day!
You’ll have to ask Ji personally about his experience in Mzuzu, but here’s a very short summary: Toyota had the parts and were willing to help, but were extremely slow in everything they did, and also extremely expensive! My Visa card gave trouble at Toyota, but Ji was able to withdraw money at the ATM. He took an overloaded local taxi back to where we got stranded. Remember to ask him about that drive – it’s a good story! 
A relaxed Ji before the taxi ride...
...and a nervous Ji during the taxi ride!

Anyways – it took poor Charles, the friendly mechanic, much longer than any of us thought to put everything back into place. We left our roadside campsite just after sunset and had to drive another 120-odd kilometres in the dark to Nkhata Bay. And to make matters worse, I lost my rear brakes! I don’t recommend this kind of drive to anyone, but fortunately we got here safely (and very very slowly). We had supper at the bar and now we’re both ready to collapse. In fact, Ji is already in dreamland. He was a legend in town today! Thanks my friend! 
Charles hard at work on the Hyena
Team work!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Vilvaas Day tomorrow!! It’s also my best friend Servaas’s birthday tomorrow – we were born on the same day! Villiers + Servaas = Vilvaas Day!! Geluk Valie – mag jy (en Liese) ‘n wonderlike 2011 he! Ek wens julle was hier! 


Highlight of the day:
Villiers: Spending another day with the locals in Malawi
Ji: The taxi drive back from Mzuzu

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: Driving in the dark, with poor failing brakes
Ji: Leaving the wonderful people of Raiply behind


Rayno said...

More more!!

Baie Geluk Vilj, Hoop God seen jou die jaar wat voorle en die laaste stukkie van julle trippie!!

Bly julle kon darm veilig by die nuwe bestemming uit kom!! en is lekker uit gerus vandag!

Old new runner said...

Baie geluk Villie!!! Ek hoop dit gaan 'n stunning dag wees en dat julle iets lekker gaan doen vanaand. Klink of dit exciting tye is daar, dis die goed wat julle gaan onthou. Thanks dat jy so inspirerende broer en vriend is! Gaan groot ou oom! ;)

Eon de Kock said...

Jis Chopper! BAIE BAIE geluk!! Ek glo en hoop jy gaan 'n stunning jaar he met nog baie avonture wat voorle. Geniet jou dag en bly veilig!

Unknown said...

Villiers, BAIE GELUK!! Mag jou volgende groot droom hierdie nuwe jaar waar word! En wie sal weet wat dit is?! Jammer oor die teenspoed met die Toyota - klink asof julle nog 'n fondsinsameling nodig het.... Maar, ek salueer julle twee vir die gees waarin julle alles aanvaar en hanteer, julle is "legends"! En baie "locals" gaan die vriedelike twee ouens uit SA onthou nie net vir die sokker nie, maar ook die opregte omgee wat uit julle straal. Ons as ouers is baie trots op julle! Lekker verjaardag vier: ons maak op met julle terugkeer. E

Tania Steyn said...

Baie geluk boetie! Mag jy 'n stunning daggie he en mag als vandag mooi loop vir julle! Als wat mooi is verder vir die trip en mag jou 29ste jaar voorwaar 'n groot een wees!

Monika Ogden said...

Happy happy birthday Villiers! What a day you had yesterday, but I suppose no trip is complete without something going just a little bit wrong... brings back memories of our trip...
Your whole journey sounds so amazing - I know you will have a birthday to remember :)
Have an awesome one and a really great year ahead!

Almarie said...

Baie geluk nogmaals Vilje, hoop JI het jou bederf met 'n onvergeetlike ontbyt in die bed! Mag jy 'n wonderlike geseënde jaar beleef en mag God jou met hope liefde, vrede en vreugde omring. Stem saam met jou ma, die beeld wat julle uitstraal, maak ons as ouers "supertrots". Julle is 'n mooi voorbeeld vir baie jong mense en ook die Afrika mense!! Lekker verjaar verder.

Anine said...

HAPPY B-DAY Vilj!! Mag dit 'n besonderse memorable dag wees - hoop julle doen iets SUPER lekker vandag en dat alles vlot sal verloop. Ek moet saamstem, dink dit is amazing hoe julle alles so embrace en so connect met die locals - dis great memories wat julle versamel!! Hoop die Here seen jou die jaar met tonne liefde en drome en nog great avonture!!

Unknown said...

As exciting as yesterday sounded I hope today has been a little less eventful for you both!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY Villiers! Hope you're having an awesome day - it's already a memorable one! :)
Where are you going to find cake out there??

Vrankois said...

Haai Villie, BAIE geluk met jou verjaarsdag! Hoop jy gaan vorentoe elke jaar net so lekker trip doen - julle het nou die benchmark gestel Vat my net saam. (ha ha)Het jy en JI julself bederf na gister se harde werk? Lekker aandjie. Luv. Fx

Talita said...

helo julle...... vilj baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag. Weti of ji jou bederf het nie maar sal verseker dit vuur as jule terug is.......vilvaas dag moet gebeur!!!!! Skat ek sou ook bekommered gewees het in daai taxi.....jou taxi betuurder se oe is dan toe...geen wonder jy stress so.....hahaha! baja geluk servaas....hoop jyt ook n wonderlike dag gehad! en dat liese jou ook bederf het!!! cheers......

ANNIE said...

Sjoe ek is terug op lyn! Baie geluk Viljee ou grootman, met jou verjaardag. Al het ek nie geweet van al die stokke in die wiel nie, het ek baie vir julle gebid. Dinge kon erger gewees het, maar daar is altyd beskerm engele om julle. Hoop die volgende dae en nuwe jaar gaan BAIE voorspoedig en vreugdevol wees Viljee. Ook goeie wense van die Viljees van die Kaap.hoop dis die laaste van die stokke in die wiel. geniet jul self. Bly on te sien Ji is ook weer gesond.

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