Last night was wild! Munching buffalo surrounded our tent for most of the night and when we woke up at 04:45 they were still there. We gave them another 30 minutes to move off before we got up to get ready for an exciting day. This is what Simba A campsite looks like at night:
Our little camp at Simba A |
We left Simba A around 06:00 and drove along the Crater rim to Lemala gate on the north-eastern side. To our surprise we had no problems whatsoever to get into the Ngorongoro Crater without a guide - fantastic! The whole day was spent exploring the Crater floor - a relatively small, but incredibly diverse piece of land.
There are no words to describe the numbers of wildlife in the Ngorongoro Crater! We saw thousands of wildebeest, zebra and buffalo, as well as 27 lions! There must have been just as many spotted hyenas scattered throughout the Crater floor, looking for unsuspecting wildebeest calves for lunch.
Wildebeest were everywhere to be seen! |
Searching for lunch |
My biggest fear was that the Crater would be like a zoo, but I'm happy to say that it was everything but a zoo! Yes, you can drive from one animal to the other without little trouble spotting it, and there are many other people watching them with you. But there's no telling what the animals will be doing, how many will be in the herd, pride or family, or how long they'll stay in that particular place. Yes, they've become incredibly relaxed and allow you to drive right up next to them, but they're wild in every sense of the word. The animals in the Crater don't have to be there - they choose to walk into it in search of food and water. Again we can only marvel at the mutual respect that exists between people and animals in this wonderful park!
The Lion King - Simba returns! |
A couple of play-fighting zebras |
The animals were amazing, but again I liked the landscape most! The scenes down into the Crater from the rim area second to none - I will never forget them! Fortunately for us we were blessed with rain during the middle of the day. Not only did it cool down the air, but it settled the dust and made the animals become active a bit earlier.
An elephant bull in the Lerai Forest |
A view like no other - taken from the rim |
Our day in the Ngorongoro Crater was unforgettable! I sincerely hope that I'll have to opportunity to visit again! Let us know what you think of our day, after seeing these photos...
We're off to Lake Manyara tomorrow. Enjoy the World Cup Cricket on our behalf!
PS: It seems that some sms's sent to my phone are NOT coming through!?!? If you've sent an important message, but haven't received a reply from me, please send it again. Let's hope the reception gets better soon.
Highlight of the day:
Villiers: Animals EVERYWHERE!!!! ...and that lion male!
Ji: To finally see some rhinos!
Hi ouens dis ongelooflik!! Ja die maanhaar staan daar of die krater aan hom alleen behoort.Pragtige foto van die Zebras ook. Lerai Forest foto is uitsonderlik. Sjoe dit moes beslis 'n droom belewenis gewees het!! Julle is baie bevoorregte mannetjies!
Gedurende die eerste week van julle reis het ek genoem dat julle blog my so boei soos 'n daaglikse sepie, maar ek moet erken: geen sepie lewer soveel opwinding soos om te kan deel in julle ervaringe nie. Die foto's is absoluut ongelooflik, ek kan myself amper nie indink wat 'n mens moet beleef om sulke foto's te kan neem nie en dit is maar 'n baie klein deeltjie van wat julle in werklikheid beleef! 'n Mens raak so vasgevang in jou eie klein wêreldjie dat jy soms vergeet dat jy nie 'n miljoenste beleef van dit wat God geskep het nie! Manne, drink asseblief ALLES in, sodat julle vir ons ook daarvan kan laat proe as julle eers terug is...
Ek Stem saaam met tannie Almarie...neem als in, sodat julle als vir ons kan kom virtel!
Die Krater is amazing. En wow die leeu mannetjie... skies man pose omtrent.... Love love love julle kamp plekkie - Ongelooflike foto wat jul geneem het!!!!
Geniet die laaste aand en sterkte met julle pad lake Manyara toe. T xxx
WOW!! Wat meer kan mens se... dis 'n ongelooflike plek, ongelooglike diere, ongelooflike ervaring!!
Ek is sooooooooooo jaloers!!!!! Ek wens so dat ek meer van julle foto's kon sien, mens kan so min sien van als wat julle beleef! Julle moet verseker 'n CD maak met al julle foto's, al is dit nou verminderde kwaliteit, net vir almal om alles van die trip te kan sien en beleef...
Weereens, geniet elke oomblik en weet net hoe bevoorreg is julle om al die wonderlike goed te kan sien en ervaar!
Stem saam - WOW WOW WOW - dit lyk ongelooflik op die fotos, so ek kan nie eens imagine hoe dit in werklikheid moet wees nie!! Lyk my julle het in 'n huge pot (of eerder krater) vol botter geval! Ek's seker ek's nie die enigste een wat by die dag groener van jaloesie raak nie... Geniet die laaste daggie daar, kan nie wag om te sien watse ongelooflike dinge julle vandag weer beleef het nie!
Dis amazing. Lyk soos foto's wat geneem is oor maande, en julle is maar net dae daar. Geniet dit!
Goeie dag manne, lyk en klink ongelooflik, julle moet elke oomblik in-neem want julle gaan dit eers waardeer wanneer jul terug is by die huis en weer deel van die normale lewe is - wat 'n voorreg!! Ek volg julle blogs gereeld en geniet dit baie!! Gebiet die pad terug! Groete Pieter Jacobs
Woorde kan die foto's nie beskryf nie! 'n Slide show aand is 'n MOET vir ons almal wat julle so dophou en die ingangsfooitjie kan die laaste gate toestop! Moenie vergeet nie hoor - ons kom almal graag! Groete Judy janse van Rensburg
Awesome Awesome!! dit is rerig breath taking!!
Bly julle kon ingaan sonder gids!! daai Simba A lyk ook very nice!!!!
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