Before I tell you about our day I'd like to inform close friends and family that we will have our back-in-town braai on the 1st of April as opposed to the 2nd as originally planned. So please keep Friday the 1st open from about 6pm. We can't wait to see you all and to share our stories face to face! More information about the braai will follow closer to the time.
Last night was quite an adventure in Nyamepi campsite. Even before we had put our equipment back in the Hilux, four spotted hyenas started circling our tent. To make matters worse our tent’s zipper has finally stripped up to the point were it now only semi-closes at night! Fortunately Ji’s cans-on-a-line warning mechanism worked very well and scared away the marauders first at midnight and again at 03:00. A leopard scared some baboons close by and the lions kept roaring right throughout the night.
For the first time in a while we set off just after 06:00 in search of animals. The bush was quiet, though, producing only a handful of sightings, including baboons, impala, three elephants and a lone buffalo. The scenery, however, was magnificent! Open plains lie scattered in amongst tall mopane veld and dense riverine forest. Large pools of water attract hordes of water birds, including yellow-billed and saddle-billed storks and a host of egrets. We tried our best to take a siesta, but the intense heat and humidity made it extremely difficult to fall asleep.
One of many natural pools in the veld |
Our buffalo-count goes up with 1 |
Stunning scenery on the bank of the Zambezi River |
At 15:00 we drove in the opposite direction as the morning drive to a place called Mana Mouth. Here we tried our luck at fishing, but with no results. Maarten van der Velde, a Belgian travelling with his father, had more luck – he caught a massive 3-4 kg tiger fish on his second cast! At least we know they’re here and tomorrow morning we’re try again, maybe even from camp.
Ji in his element |
"Come on, tigers, where are you??" |
The wonderful, and rather crazy, thing about Mana Pools is the fact that you are allowed to get out of your vehicle and walk wherever you want to…without a guide! And yes, there are lions, elephant, buffalo, hippos and a variety of other big and hairy creatures with sharp teeth that call the park home. We’re not taking any unnecessary risks, though. When we fish we stand on the bank of the Zambezi where clearings allow you a good view of the surroundings. The hippos do come close and watch you intently from the water, but the Hyena is always close by if they decide to attack. Right now Ji is making ‘pap’, whilst two prides of lions are having a roar-off across the river. It’s something to experience and hear, I tell you! The hippos are also walking through the campsite to get to their grazing grounds. Scary stuff! I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Bye for now!
Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The stunning Zambezi scenery
Ji: To have a fishing rod in my hands again!
Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: The humidity!
Ji: The sun's heat waking me up this afternoon
Ai dan is ons in Kaapstad nie die enigste wat braai en swem in jou eie sweet nie! Maar die koue sweet sou my uitgeslaan het as ek in die nag al die groot diere se grom om my hoor. Tog is dit sekerlik 'n uitsonderlike ervaring vir jul manne. Die foto's is pragtig - die een op die walle van die Zambezi is vir my baie besonders. Voorspoed en wees versigtig!
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