Hello! I’d like to thank everyone again for all the kind birthday wishes yesterday, not only in the form of sms’s, but also on the blog comments. Njaya Camp in Nkhata Bay really was the ideal place to spend the day. After I posted last night Ji and I played pool against the locals in the packed bar. Some of the games were so intense that the crowd even took their eyes off the football match between Manchester United and Marseille! Both of us won a few good ones, but also lost some bad ones. It was great fun though and another great opportunity to spend time with Malawi’s friendly locals.
We both struggled to get up at 06:30 this morning after a night of continuous rain. We reached Mzuzu Toyota at 08:30 and fortunately they were keen to help us get back on the road. The Hyena was healthy shortly before 11:00 after having some work done on her brakes.
Waiting for Toyota to complete work on the Hyena |
To make a good start to the day even better the GPS showed us a shortcut to the Zambian border. This good tar road allowed us to skip Lilongwe and saved us a great deal of driving time. By 17:05 we were in Zambia!
The best way to make the time on the road fly by... |
We’re staying at a lovely little camp called Mama Rula’s near Chipata. The owners speak Afrikaans and the pub is decorated with a host of flags, including those of the South African rugby teams. It’s more than a little strange to speak Afrikaans, see the Bulls and Cheetah flags on the wall and eat “pap en vleis”… I’m sure we’ll sleep well tonight!
Finally, some healthy (and delicious) food! |
Ji goes BIG at Mama Rula's |
Tomorrow we head for Lusaka. South Africa, we’re slowly making our way back…!
Night night,
Highlight of the day:
Villiers: That the Hyena is healthy again!
Ji: To have reached Zambia today
Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: More unfriendly traffic cops
Ji: Malawi's new law that forbids you to fart in public. Fortunately I didn't get caught!!
Bly julle en die hyena is weer op die pad! julle het my nou honger gemaak met daai mooi bord kos! YUM!
Kan nie dink dat ek al ooit jong manne so opgewonde oor groente gesien het nie. Ook baie bly dat julle nie uitgevang is onder Malawi se vreemde nuwe wet nie!!!
Ai ons is baie bly die hyena is weer reg en dat jul weer by 'n heerlike kamp is met mooi lekker kos! Yeslike Villiers dit lyk asof jy al amper 'n weglê draaisnor soos my oupa kan maak! Dis nou jou oupa grootjie! Julle moet die tog verder baie geniet - dis nou min dae. Lekker slaap , blink pens na bo!
Lekker basbaard ou seuna! Sjoe JI, ek hoor jou... daai nuwe wet kan ongemak veroorsaak as hy moet uit!
Bly die Hyena looop weer (of eerder stop weer!).
Villiers, jou baard laat my vreeslik dink aan die omies van die Groot Trek en JI, ek hoop nie dis brommertyd nie! Ek moet sê, ek is bly vir wat julle alles sien en beleef, maar ek sien vreeslik uit daarna om julle terug te hê! Verlang darem nou al baie...
Haha, Villiers jy lyk so anders met 'n baard! Baie soos 'n Voortrekker... It makes you look like a real crazy bush man! Enjoy Zambia and the rest of your way home :)
Something green! Thank goodness for that!!
Two weeks to go and still so much left to see... Enjoy!
Villiers, it looks as though your beard is starting to get more attention than your journey...:)
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