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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Friday, March 11, 2011

DAY 51: Bye bye Tanzania. Hello Malawi!

Hi everyone. So this is another one of those days where I have a bit of difficulty writing the blog. Why? Because we didn’t take any photos today! Yep, we left The Old Farm House around 08:30 and were on the road literally the whole day. We only arrived at Chitimba Camp in northern Malawi just before sunset, so you’ll have to wait for tomorrow’s post before you can see what it looks like here. 

Ji woke up feeling a bit under the weather and unfortunately it only got worse as the day progressed. We’re still not 100% sure what the problem is, but the plan is to visit a nearby clinic tomorrow morning to run a few tests. Seems like it might be a light case of bladder infaction. But right now he’s sitting next to me in an awesome beach bar on Lake Malawi having a good laugh with a few travellers from Australia and Austria. Nothing like good company to cheer one up! 

The trip from Iringa to Mbeya was just as arduous as the one up (go, stop, go, stop, go, stop), but the drive from there to the Malawi border was quick and extremely scenic. Even more scenic was the first 100 km’s in Malawi. There are thousands of people everywhere, but also animals wherever you look – pigs, goats, cattle, sheep, dogs – everywhere! Everyone dresses very colourful and of course the surroundings are very green at the moment. Oh yes, going through the border was a breeze!

So, in order to make this post a bit more exciting, we’ve decided to hold a little “best Tanzania wildlife-shot” competition. Here are four wildlife photos taken in Tanzania (some of which we've posted before) – two of mine and two Ji’s. What we’d like to know from you is: 1) Who took which ones and 2) Which one is your favourite? Come on, don’t be shy to guess! 

The lovely Lobo leopardess
Fighting zebra in the Ngorongoro Crater
Yawning lion cub near Lobo
Ngorongoro elephant bull

Let’s hope Ji feels better tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend!


Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The bar I'm sitting in now, and to socialise with Pete, Rainer and Marlene - by the way, let's punt their blogs:
Please take the time to visit: www.bytheshaw.com.au and www.afrika.r-m-s.at

Ji: The effect of the sodium bicarbonate - just ask Villiers!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: Tanzanian traffic cops!
Ji: Feeling so ill


Almarie said...

Sleg om te hoor van die olikheid, hoop dis gou oor. Vilje, klink my jy 'suffer' met die newe-effekte, klink my redelik 'silent but violent'! Die foto's is al 4 vir my baie goed, moeilik om te sê wie het wat geneem, want eks nie 'n kenner op die gebied nie. Ek kan wel sê ek hou meeste van die 'zebra-pose'. Ek dink... Vilje het die cheetah en olifante geneem en JI die zebra's en die leeutjie. Hoop julle het 'n rustige nag sonder 'oorvloedige waterstrome'...

Talita said...

JI - Luiperd en olifant

Vilj - Zebra's en leeu

ANNIE said...

Fotos 2 en 4 - Villiers. 1 en 3 Ji
Al die fotos is pragtig, maar foto 4 staan vir my uit bo almal - daar is net iets baie besonders omtrent die hele foto. Hoop Ji is OK. Pas jul self goed op en onthou dis Afrika. Drink baie water - skoon water sonder byvoegings. Geniet die dag!

Shellie said...

Ji: Leopard and Elephant
Villiers: Zebbies and lion

Best one: The zebbies :-)

Can't wait to hear about Mbeya, now that I've got my project confirmed I'm gonna spend 2 months there ;-)

Sending good karma and feel better soon Ji!

Hugs from Denmark (it's still freezing and grey here, send us some sunshine if you can spare it ;-))

Anine said...

Heyhey! JI, hoop regtig jy voel gou weer beter!! Sterkte daar julle 2!

In terme van die photies:
Vilj - zebras en leeu
JI - luiperd en olifant

Ek like ook die zebras die meeste, ma al 4 is BEAUTIFUL!!

Hoop jul het 'n goeie Saterdag aandjie!

Francois Steyn said...

Villie: Bome en miniatuur olifant en luiperd
JI: Zebbies en lion queen

Wenner: Die bome, jammer JI... Daai olifant sou seker in die skoenboksie gepas het.

Rayno said...

Hallo julle, Hoop JL voel al beter!
Ek dink die Olifant en die Zebra is Vilj en die leeu en luiperd is JL

Hou baie van die Luiperd!

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