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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

DAY 60: 60 days and counting!

Good evening. I hope you all had a wonderful Sunday. Can you believe it - today is Day 60!?! Ji and I had an interesting night last night to say the least. Minutes after we climbed into our little coverless, zipless tent the cans started rattling. It was a spotted hyena. He jumped back, walked around to the other side and then walked into the fishing line again. This time he seemed to get an even bigger fright and decided not to try a third time. Before we could fall asleep we heard loud munching very close by. A massive hippo was grazing so close that we could clearly see it in the moonshine. He came closer and closer as we sat dead quiet in the tent watching his every move. The minutes felt like hours before he passed, but we made sure he was out of sight before we rested our heads. 

Today we were visited by an elephant bull that nonchalantly walked over to our tent feeding after every second step. He forced us to get into the Hyena and fortunately everything was still standing when we returned from our game drive. 

One of many visitors in Nyamepi campsite
More Mana Pools scenery

I also used the day to do my washing, whilst Ji tried his luck at fishing again. He caught one tiger fish. Just before sunset we drove to Mana Mouth again and decided that we’ll spend tomorrow morning next to (and maybe even in) the river. The water level has dropped considerably, exposing some lovely sand banks. Don’t worry, we can see hippos and crocs approaching from a mile away! 
This is where we plan to spend the morning tomorrow

Before I end today’s post – some people recon Ji and I have put on some weight!?! You decide for yourself. And yes, I’ve kept the photos as small as possible to make us look as thin as possible! :)
Ji and Villiers looking as fit and healthy as always...or do they?
 As I'm sitting here the full moon is sticking its head out above the horizon and hundreds of bugs are swarming around the light of the laptop, including mozzies. It's almost unbearably hot! The sweat is dripping from our bodies at an alarming rate. Tonight's going to be a long one, not only because of the heat, but because of all the other visitors we're expecting in camp...


PS:  We should have cellphone reception again tomorrow afternoon!

Hightlight of the day:
Villiers: My book. I finally finished it today. If you're looking for a GREAT read, try the Elephant Whisperer by Lawrance Anthony. Thanks Tabby for lending it to me!
Ji: The fishing

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: The bugs bugging me right now!
Ji: The heat!


ANNIE said...

Sjoe dis pragige foto's en ja toe die laaste foto ook! As fit as a fiddle nê? Meer baard maar nie meer lyf nie. Ai as ek kon skilder sou hierdie foto's uitdaging gewees het. Dankie ouens. Geluk Ji met die tiger! Hoop jul nagrus is exciting, maar nie gevaarlik nie. Ek dink die engeltjies werk hoeka oortyd. Voorspoed manne.

Unknown said...

60 dae!! Hoop die laaste 10 is gepak met 'money shots'! Ek moet erken, daai vlak (vis)waters is vir my biki 'scary', JI. Onthou 'n krok is 'n plat ding met 'n groooot bek! Klink my asof die skielike prysverhoging dalk 'n bedekte seën was as ek so luister na die besige naglewe, hitte en gekrokte tent. En JI se ADT-blikke is duidelik meer suksesvol as skottelgoedwater en southappies met daai lastige hanggatte. Knap gedaan! Rustige nag; soete drome van koel, sagte veilige beddens... XX

Unknown said...

Anytime! Glad you enjoyed it!
It really looks gorgeous there, and even though your neighbours keep you on your toes they sound like fun! Why do you need to drive anywhere?? Stay in bed with the windows open and the animals will come to you!!
BTW Unless you've done some serious photoshopping neither of you looks noticeably wider - except maybe round the chin! :)

Old new runner said...

Onthou, hoe platter hoe swemmer! Hoop die laaste nag in Mana Pools was great! Dit klink ongelooflik daar, al daai geluide in die nag. Geniet die laaste 10 dae! f

Almarie said...

Ons is darem weer veilig terug uit die veld en bly om te sien julle lyk so goed! Tog is minder goeie nuus die weervooruitsigte vir die volgende 10 dae. Mana Pools bly tot die naweek nog diep in die 30's, dan daal dit 'n bietjie by Vic Falls na die laer 30's, terwyl 35-38° weer vir 28,29 & 30/3 by Mapungubwe voorspel word. Gelukkig het julle daar verblyf met lugreëling. Probeer om onder 'n nat handdoek of laken te lê, help ook nogal. Onthou krokodille is nie kieskeurig met kos nie, hulle vat wat hulle kan kry, moet dus asb nie "available' wees vir hulle nie. Groete uit 'n net so warm KNP!

Lourita said...

Hi julle

Ek, my man Heinrich en nog vriende vertrek op 'n reis na Aksum, Etiopie, op 22 April. Ons woon ook in Pretoria en hoop dat ons 'n koffetjie sal kan inwerk saam met julle voordat ons vertrek. Dat julle vir ons kan doen wat Zander vir julle gedoen het :)Stuur asb 'n e-pos na lourita.stofberg@gmail.com as dit reg is.Dalk die eerste week in April?


Villiers said...

Hi Lourita. Geen probleem! Jy moet my net asseblief herinner, want dit gaan dol gaan wanneer ons terug is. 'n Koffietjie klink egter goed! Bel my sommer by 0827988817 in daardie eerste week. My email is villiers@absamail.co.za - ek sien uit!

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