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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 1: Our first day!!!

It's 21:36 and JI is standing with the Sat4Rent satellite terminal on his head. That's right - some trees are blocking the signal and now we need some height. But I'm connected and ready to post our very first blog on the Serengeti Trip 2011! 

We left Pretoria at 04:45 this morning after a night of very little sleep. Progress was good however and we even managed to get through Martin's Drift border post in under an hour, without having our meat confiscated! Just on the other side of the border we stopped to buy some Cokes and saw the WEG magazine's Kruger stand-alone on the shelves - what a surprise! Knowing that there are photos of both JI and I inside, we decided to show the staff...and boy, did they enjoy it! Let's just say - there was dancing involved...and lots of smiles!!!
JI and the most friendly service station staff in the world!
Once on the main road in Botswana we found what I had expect - livestock and more livestock...everywhere! Never ever drive in Botswana at night! Your chances of hitting something are very good.
A typical roadside scene in southern Botswana.
As you can see - it's very green all round. They must have had a lot of rain. 

We're camping at Khama Rhino Sanctuary tonight - the perfect stopover on the way to the Makgadikgadi Pans! The hope is to chat to Martin Bester of Jacaranda 94.2 tomorrow, or at least sometime this coming week, so keep listening to his afternoon drive between 4pm and 7pm weekdays.

JI decided to bake his very first beer bread this evening and managed to pull it off in style! I have to say, it was one of the best I've ever tasted!
Now that's how a beer bread should look!
Thanks for reading our first post! We'll keep sharing our adventure and photos...hopefully every day! We have noticed, however, that the surroundings play a massive role in satellite reception, so if we skip a day it's not because we're lazy! ;)



Talita said...

Klink of julle trip lekker positief begin het. Hou dit so! Ek sien uit na die volgende paar dae se blogs!Bly julle vleis is nie weg gevat nie....heheheh! Die sateliet foon sal regkom......kannie wag om julle op Jacaranda te hoor nie! Neem baie foto's.... Jy het nie die lens verniet gesponsor gekry nie! Peace

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I heard about your trip on Jacaranda, and I think it is fantastic! I am a Geography teacher from Crawford Sandton in Jhb, and I am going to be keeping up with your progress, and using your travels to teach my classes about coordinates, direction and Africa in general! I hope this is ok with you? Enjoy and the best of luck! Inge

Almarie said...

Julle het die hele wêreld vreeslik opgewonde! Dit lyk alles ongelooflik lekker. Eks bly die eerste bierbrood het mooi uitgekom, hoop hy was net so lekker as wat hy lyk. Voorspoedige reis, ek hou julle met afwagting dop!

Unknown said...

Ek sien JI moes al klaar begin met die bakkie pose vir foto's! Goeies! En hy het meer kos gemaak in daai een aand as toe ons 6 maande saam gebly het!

Vrankois said...

Congratulation with the "pot" bread JI. The last one I baked for Villiers in Hwange was a total disaster because we did not use a cast iron pot. Good luck with the Pans today. You are either going to need the feather duster to clean the cotton soil or a hose pipe for the mud tonight....all depends on whether the Makgadigadi is dry or wet! Tjirs. Fx

Unknown said...

Hello manne. Ek dink julle ekspidiesie is absoluut fantasties.Die hele idee spreuk boek dele oor julle karakters.
Ek is seker dit gaan 'n helse avontuur wees.
Welgedaan op die insig, ek dink ook dit is wonderlik dat Suid Afrikaners (en twee boertjies nogal) so iets doen en dokumenteer, eerder as een of ander uitlander wat dink hy ken Afrika. Bear Grills eat your heart out. Villiers and JI ons twee "Ultimate survivors"
Gaan groot manne en alle sterkte.
Sal julle laat weet wat gebeur met die krieket en rugby oor die volgende 69 dae.
Groete Chris. :)

Unknown said...

The pans will be more like a mud bath, we have plenty of rains here these days, so take care and don't venture off the tracks where nobody will find you

Francois Steyn said...

Legends!! Daai service station scene is super gees! En ja, daai potbroodjie maak ons jaloers... Geniet die panne! Tjirs, f

Talita said...

Julle het awsome geklink op Jacaranda FM! Eks bly julle kon so vinning opstel! Eks bly die die sat foon werk!!!!!!! Skree ma net as daar nog iets wat ek kan doen om julle te kan help! peace

Jen Jamieson said...

Argh! I want to be there already! Enjoy lovely ones :) Keep the updates coming.....poor satellite.... just stand on eachothers shoulders ;)

Almarie said...

Toe toe toe! Hoekom so stadig? Ons is in afwagting vir die volgende "post"!

JI de Wet said...

Dankie vir al jul ondersteuning! Die laaste twee dae was op en af. Jacaranda was verseker 'n hoogte punt!Inge, jy is meer as welkom! Dankie Chris, jou entoesiasme gee ons woema! En skat (Talita) ek mis jou vrek baie!!

Lekker slaap almal

O ja, die bierbrood het toe darm soos 'n wen brood gesmaak ook!

Villiers said...

Thanks guys for all the wonderful comments! It's amazing to sit here at 23:12 in the middle of the Makgadikgadi and read all of this - it's boggles the mind. Keep commenting please - it really does lift our spirits (which are not down by any means, I have to say) ;)

Tomorrow we hope to find some wildlife!


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