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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Friday, January 21, 2011

It's a guessing game!

No, no! These are not the first lions of our trip. We want you to guess how many animals we'll see during the 70 days we're on the road. Have a quick look at our itinerary and then guess how many lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs and rhinos we'll see. Leave your guesses as comments on this post. Only after we've received some comments will we tell you what JI and I have guessed...

Thanks for following the Serengeti Trip 2011! Night night from Njuca Hills.



Almarie said...

Ag nee! Nie eers een ou foto'tjie van hoe dit by Njuca Hills lyk vir julle getroue fan's nie?

Unknown said...

More boere. Die Proteas het toe so waar as vet gisteraand die vierde ODI teen Indië gewen in PE.
D.W.S die reeks is nou gelyk op. 2 elk. Hulle het gewen d.m.v die Duckworth Lewis formule met 45 lopies. Dog ek lig julle net in.
Geniet hom.

Talita said...

I don't think you guys understand how excited people are to read your blogs.....hulle hang aan julle woorde jong. Ek hoop vandag hou vir julle baie in... en dat julle bieq of baie wild sien. Onthou om die kamera's naby te hou. ek gaan nie n raai skoot vat van wat julle gaan sien nie want ek suck met dit maar ek hoop vir cheetahs.......hehehehe. T

Wilma said...

Ek "suck" ook met sulke raaiskote maar wat kan ek verloor... praat julle van hoeveel individue, dan raai ek, lions: 50, leopard: 8, cheetahs: 12, wild dogs: 1 pack (qty??), rhinos: 6

Very jealous... julle leef my droom (behalwe dat ek geen vaste "end date" wil hê nie en ek dink 70 dae is te kort! Maar mens moet iewers begin).


Unknown said...

ok laat ek raai:
lions 120 excluding pups
leopards 15 excluding pups
cheetahs 25 excl pups
wild dogs 1 pack of 9
rhinos 12

wat kry die een wat reg is? 'n trip Kenia toe saam met julle ouens?

Kobus said...

Middag Bulle! Wat 'n voorreg is dit nie om te weet dat dit mense naby aan jou is, wat hier betrokke is nie. As ek 'n voorstel mag maak, leef jou drome uit, want mens leef net een keer! Onthou om ons op hoogte te hou, want dit is 70 dae wat mens die roete saam met julle in gedagte volg... JI jy het 70 dae om Villiers 'n Cheaatah te maak, indien jy nie slaag nie, voer hom sommer vir hulle! Ons wag om van julle te hoor.

Almarie said...

Met die beperkte inligting wat ek oor Njuca Hills kon kry, sien ek dat daar net 2 put-toilette is en geen water nie! Dit lyk ook vir my redelik woestynagtig... Dus, neem eek aan, julle begin letterlik en figuurlik onder... Sterkte vir die volgende tog, as julle môre in die pad val!

Talita said...

Moenie vir hulle luister ni!!!!! Vilj jy is n bul en sover as ek dit reg het sien julle nog net bulle......bahahaha. Skat onthou net jy is saam met vilj da so moenie n cheetah van hom probeer maak nie... net nou los hy jou daar en ek wil dit nie he ni! hoop julle het baie gesien! T

Unknown said...

Baie baie jaloers !! Julle moet elke oomblik geniet en baie foto's neem.

Villiers Steyn and JI de Wet said...

Okay, here are our guesses:

Villiers - 111
JI - 78

Villiers - 10
JI - 13

Villiers - 21
JI - 17

Villiers - 10
JI - 22

Villiers - 20
JI - 15

ELEPHANTS (we added this one):
Villiers - 1500
JI - 1000

Francois Steyn said...

Leeus: 60
Luiperds: 18
Jagluiperds: 10
Wildehonde: 24
Olifante: 850
Renosters: 30
Voëlspesies: 450

Oor en uit

Almarie said...

Leeus: 38
Luiperds: 12
Jagluiperds: 5
Wildehonde: 24
Olifante: 1794
Renosters: 24

Rayno said...

120 Lions
15 Leopards
32 Cheetahs
11 Wild dogs
25 Rhinos
1036 Elephants
179 Bird Species

Unknown said...

Lions: 99
Leopards: 13
Cheetahs: 25
Wild dogs: 16
Rhinos: 28
Eles: 855

Does the winner get to go with on your next trip...?!

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