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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

DAY 8: Hwange delivers!

It rained a lot last night at Ngweshla and by 05:00 it hadn't cleared...so we slept in. To be honest, both of us needed it. So we slowly started packing up before spending a bit of time with Binga Dube and his family. We pumped up the first of about 25 footballs we plan to give away during the trip and made Binga's two young sons smile big time!!
Villiers at Ngweshla with Binga Dube's two young sons
We left Ngweshla around 10:00 and drove a very scenic road to Main Camp. At first the light was fantastic, and so were the sightings. A herd of giraffe drank in the road right in front of the car! We really enjoyed the sunlight and dark dramatic clouds in the background.
Giraffe drinking in the road between Ngweshla and Main Camp
The Hilux couldn't look any better, could she!?
Soon after we took these lovely shots, the weather turned. It started bucketing down and within 15 minutes we were driving in a river! Fortunately the road surface was very sandy as opposed to muddy. We arrived at Main Camp just in time for lunch...

BUT, it was cut short with news of a lion pride that had caught a giraffe nearby! We raced to the sighting and finally saw our first cats for the trip! Seven lions (two adults, two sub-adults and three small cubs) used the wet weather to chase a giraffe across the slippery tar road and managed to pull the animal down. To our surprise the youngsters started playing in a tree near the carcass, making for some great video and photos! 

After about an hour with the lions we headed back to Main Camp for cheeseburgers and Coke at the Waterbuck's Head restaurant. Of course we had to top it off with an afternoon nap! Our late afternoon game drive produced sightings of honey badger (in the road), zebra, hippo, crocodile, kudu and giraffe.

Our good friend Servaas suggested that JI and I have a little photographic competition! So this is how it works: Below we have each posted our favourite shot of the day. What we want to know from you is: Which one is the best and who do you think took it??? This should be fun! We look forward to your comments!

Photograph A - taken at our first lion sighting of the trip!
Photograph B - taken near Nyamandhlovu hide
I hope you've enjoyed today's blog. We've had a wonderful time in Hwange and have only one game drive left in the morning. From there we head to Mlibizi to catch some tiger fish!!! Trust me, JI can't sleep at night that's how excited he is!

Highlight of the day:
Villiers: The lions, of course!
JI: For me too - the lions!

Lowlight of the day:
Villiers: That I couldn't get photos of the sables and the honey badger - they were to quick!
JI: My ear is not feeling well.


Marlize said...

Hey, so bly die leeus het uiteindelik hulle opwagting gemaak!! Sterkte vir die tiervis, hoop hulle ontwyk julle nie soos vir ons nie, ekt na amper 2jaar nogsteeds nie een gevang nie, Christo het darem al! Ek luv die detail (bv bas van die boom) op die foto van die leeu, so dis my gunsteling en ek sal maar raai dis Villiers... :-)

Talita said...

Baie bly oor die leeus... jammer oor die weer! Dis awsome dat julle so half en half uitruik ook hou!dink julle maak n huge verskil in daai kids se lewens!! Julle baby lyk great....... ;)

JI: Zebra's
Vilji: Leeu

My favourite.... jammer engel die leeu!

Maar mut se hy beat nog nie die kudu en vlakvarkie vir my nie! Geniet die laaste aand daar en strongs met die visvag! Jy beter iets vang skat!!!! xxx T

Unknown said...

Hallo Maters!!!! Baie bly julle het leeus gesien. Sien die Bird count begin nou ook mooi opgaan. Ek dink Villiers het zebras geneen en JI die Leeu. Ek gaan moet vote vir die Zebras al is die leeu baie oulik. Hoop jul kry tiervis gevang, solank julle 'n lyn in die water het is daar altyd kans vir 'n byt. Geniet die dag!

Anonymous said...

Beste Villier en JI - ons kan nie wag om julle blog elke oggend op kantoor te kom lees nie! Fantasties en soms wonder ons wat steek julle weg vir verrassings! Geniet dit en ons bid nog steeds dat dit 'n onvergeetlike ervaring vir julle sal wees met 'n ewigheidsbelegging. Ek raai JI het beide foto's geneem. Villiers steek syne weg! Judy

Almarie said...

Jammer om te hoor van seer ore en hooikoors! Hoop julle voel al bietjie beter. Lyk of julle goed vorder en bly om te hoor julle klink goed! Eers gedink om buite stemming te bly, maar (jammer Villiers!) Foto A (omdat dit 'n leeu is) en JI. Kan nie wag vir die uitslag nie.

Rayno said...

Hallo julle twee!!

Baie baie bly oor die leeus, Dit bly maar pragtige dier!!! Ek hoop toe julle die soccer ball uit gedeel het dat julle biedjie gespeel het ook :) lyk soos of daai twee seuns julle ding of twee kan wys:)

Ek dink JL het leeu geneem en Villiers het die Zebra's ek dink die ...... die ..... die ....
ai dis vir my moeilik maar ek dink oor die skerp heid van die Zebras hou ek meer van hom.

Geniet dit julle twee!!

Francois Steyn said...

Damnit (mag ek dit sĂȘ?) dis 'n moeilike ene! Ek dink Villie: Sebras, JI: Leeu... Like die leeu meer oor die content. Sorry seuna! Wanneer hoor ons die resultate? Die Hilux lyk stunning!!

Unknown said...

Dit lyk briljant julle....dis great oor die leeus.! Die foto van die leeu in die boom is die beste.

Enjoy julle dag man!

Bertus & Karien

ANNIE said...


Louise said...

Sorry, was bietjie Paternoster toe Donderdag, so het hierdie gemis.
Bly oor die leeu sightings, dis great!

Ek stem vir die zebra foto - baie mooi!

Anine said...

Heyhey! weet ek's bietjie laat maar wil darem ook bietjie mening lig ;-)
Leeu - JI
Zebras - VilJ
Ek love altwee, maar my favorite dink ek is die zebras!Tata!

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