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Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog

Welcome to the Serengeti Trip 2011 Blog! We designed this website so that we can keep you posted on planning, packing and progress of our massive 70-day trip through 6 African countries early in 2011. The trip starts 20 January 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa, and takes us north through Botswana, Zambia and Tanzania to the legendary Serengeti National Park! From there we will head back south through Malawi, another part of Zambia and Zimbabwe...

Before the trip we will post photos and information on our route planning, vehicle upgrades, packing, equipment, etc. During the trip we will post daily diary entries by means of a satellite phone, so don't miss out! We will be posting in both English and Afrikaans. Please become a follower on this blog and subscribe to our RSS feed.
Enjoy the journey!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thanks for the inspiration!

Every traveller and adventurer needs inspiration when he or she plans a big trip! Sometimes it's as simple as someone saying: "Go for it! You can do it!" and sometimes it's reading about someone who has already done something incredible - an inspiring trip full of exploration and adventure. That's when I think: If they can do it, so can I!

I'm blessed to have been raised by parents who always did their best to show us different parts of Southern Africa and who have always supported every single idea of mine, no matter how big or crazy it seemed at the time... They are and always have been a great inspiration to me!

And then there's Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman!!!
These two friends have completed two epic journeys on motorbikes: First The Long Way Round - a trip from London to New York, driving east!...and second The Long Way Down - a trip from Scotland to Cape Town! Few documentaries have made me so excited about travelling and Africa as The Long Way Down!! 18 countries and 15000 miles in 85 days! It was the two men's incredible relationship (through some very tough times) that inspired me so much and I'm excited to share the Serengeti Trip 2011 with someone like JI.

When it comes to extreme there's no one quite as adventurous as David Griers and Braam Malherbe!

David and Braam have achieved something that many believed was impossible - they ran the length of the Great Wall of China (a full 4000km) in less than four months! They did this to raise money for the Miles for Smiles charity and proved that when you put your mind to something (and your heart and soul as well) you can overcome any obstacles and make your dreams come true!

Kingsley all the way!
Kingsley Holgate and his team have driven all over Africa in their Land Rovers making a real difference in people's lives with the various projects they have initiated. It's impossible not to want to travel through the Dark Continent if you read one his trip reports. Their great work in Africa is the ultimate inspiration!

Last but definitely not least there is my brother, Francois, and his wife, Tania.

Visit www.aroundsa.co.za to read more about their awesome trip!
This couple is truly wild at heart! In 2009 they bought two 125cc motorbikes and drove around South Africa (6000km) in only 19 days! Their spirit of adventure and exploration, together with the love of simplicity has always inspired me to think of new and exciting trips in South Africa. I thank the Lord for a brother and sister in law like this!

So, thanks to these adventurous souls, and many other people who are living the dream, I am overflowing with inspiration, ready to take on the unknown and to explore the countries, roads and parks that I have read about so much over the past 28 years. 

"Always share the adventure!"

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kultuur Safari

Die woord safari word baie keer net met diere en landskappe vergelyk, maar dit is glad nie wat dit waarlik beteken nie.

Hoe toevallig is dit nie, maar hierdie woord kom uit die eerste taal van Tanzania - Swahili. In hierdie taal beteken dit om op reis te gaan, of dalk nog mooier in Engels: "to Journey!" . Ja natuurlik is ek opgewonde om verskillende landskappe en natuurbeelde te sien, maar wat my nog meer opgewonde maak, is die verskillende kulture waarmee ons in aanraking gaan kom.

Op safari in 'n Afrikastad! (foto: iStockphoto)
Tydens ons reis, gaan ons nie net in natuurreservate oornag nie, maar ook in stede. Hier hoop ek om te doen te kry met vriendelike mense, wat ons iets meer van hul kultuur wil leer. (Ek weet net nie so mooi of dit gaan gebeur op die grensposte nie?!) Somtyds wonder ek ook hoe die mense van die verskillende lande verskil? Is die mense van Botswana regtig bot?

Een waarskuwing wat ek ontvang het is dat jy glad nie persoonlike ruimte in die suide van Malawi het nie. Hierdie omgewing is blykbaar heeltemal oorbewoon. My kommer is: Waar gaan ek 'n onopsigtelike boom kry as ek 'n nood het?!

In die bekende film "Blood Diamond", gebruik Arnold Vosloo die term TIA - This Is Africa. Hopelik gaan ons nie hierdie term gebruik vir negatiewe ervarings oor kulture nie, maar net oor die positiewe TIA ervaring!

Hou ons "blog" dop. Ek glo daar gaan nog baie inskrywings wees oor interessante kultuurverskynsels!

Hilux Facelift Part I: Drawers

Finally, the Hilux's facelift has begun! The first step was to fit a drawer system in the back to make packing easier.

Villiers can't contain his excitement when he sees the brand new drawers for the first time!

One of the biggest frustrations on a road trip is packing. Although you can fit a huge amount of stuff in the back of a Hilux bakkie, it can become very cumbersome to pack everything in and out every time you get to a different campsite. And as Murphy would have it, you generally need something that is right at the back and bottom of everything!

So, a decision was made to have the Hilux fitted with a custom drawer system from African Outback. The unit consists of two long drawers with a durable carpet finish. It also has a slide-out top on one side for a fridge, as well as a 50-litre water tank that can be presurised. The water can be accessed right at the back by means of a standard Gardenia-nozzle. Both drawers can lock, making it an ideal storage place for valuables.

Just look at the difference before and after:

The Toyota Hilux before adding the drawers and water tank.

The brand new African Outback drawers make packing so much easier!

The next step will be to fit a pair of spotlights in front. Follow our progress on the Hilux Transformation page as we transform our 2004 Toyota Hilux bakkie into the ultimate off-road vehicle.